Plastic Surgery: Yay or Nay?

“If someone wants to have plastic surgery, more power to them. I think there’s a point where you go overboard.” -Shannon Doherty

This is the stance on plastic surgery that I’ve come to embrace.

Now, I know what many of you may be thinking.

“Sis, what you doin’… What happened to self-love?”

My self is still very much loved by me, thanks for your concern, I’m just open-minded to change within a healthy realm.

Let me explain how this all came to be.

Since I was a little girl, it was always considered shameful to get any sort of cosmetic procedures done.

I mean, let’s not forget y’all, I grew up in the Pentecostal church where women had to attempt to hide their natural assets, let alone getting any enhancements!

Shoot, you got sideway looks if they felt like your lipstick or nail color was to bright, so you can catch my drift.

Now me, I’ve always been extra.

We all know this.

So, I always loved experimenting with color and hair and makeup, I felt like it was a form of self-expression, which it was.

But I still kind of shied away from the thought of plastic surgery because I already felt attacked in some way experimenting in my own skin, I didn’t want to hear, “why don’t you love yourself?”

We need to get real, y’all.

We ALL have insecurities and things we wish we could change about ourselves.

It’s apart of life, we’re human and crafted of imperfections.

And yes, the imperfections are beautiful, and you shouldn’t condemn yourself over them.

However, if you have the means to enhance, that doesn’t necessarily mean you value yourself any less.

Let’s take another look at natural enhancers, for example.

Weave and makeup.

Okay, I’m gonna try my best to keep it cute when divulging on this topic, but if a little nice nasty slip up in here, don’t judge me.

The Lord is still working on me, sis.

I spend countless hours watching makeup and hair tutorials, and these comments always show up at least once every time.

“That’s cute, but you should embrace your natural hair.”

“Why is she using so much heat, that’s damaging.”

“This is too much makeup for me, embrace your natural beauty.”

Embrace, embrace, embrace.

Never mind the fact that most of the people making these comments don’t have the skillset or education that these stylists, mua’s and influencers have.

Never mind the fact that they, get this, not only have the freedom to not watch the video, but they also don’t have to comment as well.

None of that matters, apparently, because they just have to inform these people to embrace their natural beauty.

Listen, sis.

 I know I don’t need weave, I got 4c inches (even though this shrinkage won’t let me be great).

I know I don’t need makeup; I’ve been blessed with a clear, cute face.

But I LIKE weave and I LIKE makeup!

So, I’m going to wear it, and I’m going to be loud with it.

I’m not going to apologize for not being a Basic Betty (No shade, Basic Betty can still be cute).

These enhancers are visual representations of my vibrant, extra ass personality, and guess what?

I still love myself without them.

And the same thing applies to plastic surgery.

Within certain realms.

Allow me to elaborate.

The reason that plastic surgery has gotten such a bad rap is because of people who’ve gone overboard with it.

I ain’t got to list no names, y’all know the types I’m talking about.

Ya know, the ones who look like it hurts to breathe and they’re just gonna pop any second.

That’s where most people’s mind goes when they think of plastic surgery.

But that’s not actually the case most of the time.

Most of the time they’re minor procedures, or more singular focused for the big ones.

I’m gone just be transparent with y’all.

I have always been blessed up top, and over the years my girls have grown to a triple D.


Gym was rough, my back is tired, and I got asthma, so I can’t keep being suffocated every time I lay down.

They sit alright for they size, but gravity is a real thing, and I ain’t getting no younger!

I want to have kids and breastfeed, and from what I hear, that gravity just gone get stronger.

I refuse to have anything except a belly ring touching my belly button.

So, guess who gone get one of them mommy makeovers post-birth?! (If I could insert the hand raise emoji, it would be here.)

I’m gone get some of this extraness taken out to take me down to a cute C-cup and give the twins a lift, too.

Because small and saggy is even more “not it”.

And guess what?

I’m gone love myself through all of it!

I love myself now, bulldozers and all.

I’m just gone love myself in the future with a more subtle, perky stature.

I dare anyone to question me about it.

All in all, whether it’s your personal choice to get plastic surgery or not, don’t shame someone else for doing so if they have the means to.

We all deserve to feel like our best selves, and if that means you taking a trip to the doctor’s office for a consultation, then it’s your body, your choice.

And that’s that on that, boo.

Let me know what you think of today’s post in the comments down below and on our social media pages!



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