My Weight Loss Failures

Okay, sis.

I’m trying this weight loss thing AGAIN!

Ugh, I know.

But this time is different, I promise, y’all.

It’s different because I’ve already lost a few pounds.

That’s right, babe.

Instead of announcing my “new” health journey as I’ve done in the past, I just started doing it.

No declaration, no red-carpet rollout, I just did it.

I woke up on a Sunday morning, and called a close friend to come over and watch me cook my meal prep (Y’all know food was always my kryptonite on this journey.).

I called her because I needed a reason to force myself to get up and cook these healthy meals.

Don’t they look official though?? I’m proud of myself, I don’t care.

In the past, I wasn’t disciplined enough to cook consistently, there was always an excuse or just flat out laziness.

I’m not a lazy individual in these, but in these instances I have been.

Acknowledging that and calling for help got me on the right track to the discipline I desperately needed to accomplish my fitness goals.

And this is okay guys, sometimes when we’re not strong enough to start things on our own, an accountability partner will make the process a lot easier.

Shoutout out to you, friend!

So, I got my cute little meals together, and got ready to go to the gym with my friend that had come over.


When I say that workout kicked my ass?!

For the first time, I was lifting weights and using machines I can’t pronounce, and it hurt so bad, but I felt so good.

And for the first time, I didn’t weigh myself afterwards.

I had intentionally shifted my focus.

I wasn’t so much concerned with losing weight as I was with becoming healthier overall.

And wouldn’t you know it, my friend is an exercise science major, so she was getting me altogether with these health facts!

I put so much emphasis on numbers that I hadn’t realized that they really don’t amount to much in the grand scheme of things.

There are so many women that weigh the exact same as me but have completely different body types.

My fitness goals specifically revolve around building muscle, which in fact, weigh more than fat.

So, all those times when I was beating myself up over my numbers being stagnant or increasing, it might not have even been the fat, it might’ve been the muscle.

Cuz listen, your girl has been sculpting them thighs, okay?!

And I was so nervous about using machines and weights, mainly because I didn’t want to look stupid when I didn’t know how to use them, but those people couldn’t have cared less about what we were doing.

This last month has made me realize one thing.

My goal is not just to lose weight, my goal is to be fit.

There are plenty of people at my “ideal weight” that aren’t healthy, it’s bigger than the numbers game.

I want to be able to walk up a hill and not be out of breath (I do have asthma, but that’s beside the point.).

I want my iron levels to be normal (I was anemic, and now how extremely low vitamin-d levels).

I want my eyesight to be clearer (because I am NOT wearing contacts).

I want more energy.

I want to be around for a long time.

All of this is so much bigger than weight loss.

It’s a lifestyle.

A lifestyle that I am working hard to create for myself.

And because I know it’s on your mind to ask, yes, I have cheat meals.

Trying to go cold turkey is unsuccessful more often than not (a lesson I’ve learned too many times).

Moderation is the best way to go since it’s much more manageable.

This isn’t a quick fix, if you want substantial results in the long haul then you want to focus on building a practicable routine that works for you.

Do not rush the process because any “success” you experience won’t last, and you’ll beat yourself up over it.

Then it becomes a mental health issue, and that’s a whole new territory that we’ll cover later on.

I’m so excited about this journey, y’all.

#FitKay is about to take over for the ’99 and 2000s, ya heard?!

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