Shanel A. Griffith

What’s up, babes, we’re back with another highlight! Of course, you know we had to kick the new year off with a banging feature, so I enlisted in the lovely Shanel Griffith. I discovered this blogger/journalist/event producer on Instagram and was immediately drawn in! Her blog gave me such life, it was so dope to see a pawpin’ #MelaninBossBabe diversifying herself. Shanel’s story is one worth reading: “What inspired me in the first place to get started on influencing and blogging really goes back to when I was younger.  Looking back, I’m realizing now that i always wanted an audience and people to talk to and just share about my life, experiences, give advice because I felt the people in my life at the time weren’t listening to advice! I always loved following people in my city and just connecting with others on social media such as Instagram and Twitter. I realized that my internet friends and I may not be in the same city but have many similarities and differences that we can connect one with one another on so many levels. In addition to that I always enjoyed sharing about products that really work for me and what products, food, shows I was enjoying. So, I just naturally talked about products, shared photos of places I’ve been and just taking pictures in good lighting and all that good stuff. Eventually people would reach out to me and ask how I became a blogger and what tips they can use to enter the blogging world.  That was almost a year ago and I would be so shocked and say, “What are you talking about? I’m not a blogger.” So, after a few times I asked a close friend of mine like, “Why does everyone keep thinking I’m a blogger? Do I come off as a blogger?” She told me, “Yeah absolutely! You sure do.” So, I looked into it and I was like oh this is what that means and at the time already had a pretty good following, about 5k or so. So, I looked into it and did my research, took some online courses, purchased e-books and started to realize I adopted the natural language of a blogger/influencer and I didn’t even know it.  with the help of the classes, YouTube University and just doing my research making a lot of mistakes I’ve come to realize that this is what I enjoy you doing I love helping other people sharing was working for me and sharing places I’ve been and just really being a resource to my Followers.”

Sis was out here laying the groundwork for a brand she didn’t realize existed yet! Whew, talk about unintentional alignment. Shanel’s got so many amazing things out right now and coming up, we’re so pumped for it! “You can check out my podcast interview with my friends over at D & D 100 studios where I give a little bit more detail into my life on my journey in media and some tips on influencing: You can listen on, apple podcast, and Spotify.” Let’s make sure to follow all her social media pages to keep up with her journey!







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