National Best Friend Day Must Haves

What’s up babes, we’re back with more Boujee Boss tips! Today they’re centered around National Best Friend Day! It’s coming up in a couple days (on the 8th to be exact) and with everything going on in the world right now, I’m sure your bestie could use a little extra love. Here is a list of creative things you can do while in quarantine to commemorate them:

Create a Specialized Playlist

Making your loved ones a CD or mixtapes seem to be a lost art, but it’s time to bring that art back! Music is one of the most powerful forces in this world, and we need to start taking advantage of that. Put together a dope mix of songs that you feel embody your bestie and let her feel serenaded!

Send a Personalized Note

Obviously, writing is a great form of communication, especially for those like me who can be verbally disinclined when it comes to vulnerability. Pour your heart out on paper, letting your girl know how much she means to you. We often forget how much impact words of appreciation hold in a person’s life. It could be the only source of positivity they receive, so make it count!

Schedule a Facetime Date

Dating isn’t just exclusive to romantic relationships, you gotta court your friends, too! Even though the world is beginning to open back up, it’s still a very sensitive time, so this is the perfect way to connect while staying safe. Get dressed up, fix a drink, find a movie to watch or some juicy topics to discuss and have fun!

Make a Movie or Slideshow Highlighting Your Memories

You don’t have to be tech-savvy to create this thoughtful gift, you can do it all from your phone! There’s countless free easy-to-use editing apps that can assist you; iMovie, Canva, you name it. Just upload your fav pics and videos, add in some music or maybe your own words, and you’ll be sure to bring them to tears!

Buy a Meal to be Delivered to Them

Food is the way to most of our hearts, so you can never lose with this option! You should already have your bestie’s address (find a creative way to get it if you don’t), so just send a pizza or something over when you know she’s home and it’ll make her day. And make sure to tip the delivery worker, so she doesn’t have to worry about that. It’s all in the little things!

I hope these tips were helpful in giving you some ideas for #NationalBestFriendDay, let me know what you plan on doing in comments below and on our social media pages!

Catch ya later!

Instagram: @themelaninperspectiveblog

Facebook: The Melanin Perspective

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