The Effects of Sex

Sex is powerful.

So powerful in fact, that I enlisted the help of my best friend of 15 years, future nurse and sexologist, Shy-Kyra Smalls.

What better way to kick off this series than to get another perspective from someone who studies the effects of sex?

Let’s see what she has to say.

““Cherish your treasure between your legs, no one is to touch her until it feels right for you. And ONLY YOU.! You give permission for exploration.”  My mother always told me this ever since I could feel my womanhood altering. It was a constant reminder that it should be held at a higher standard then what some perceived it to be.

As I got older; of course we talked about the birds and the bees; (as most parents did); however, she took it a step further and discussed the mental aspect that followed the physical of someone indulging in my sex.

When you have sex with someone that physical isn’t just that. It has feelings attached to it whether you want to allow yourself to face them or not… they are there. And in all reality that effects your mental. The being of who you are before and who you are after evolved with the stimulation of impulse and energy within that room and between you and the other indivual.

The energy that surrounds sex is seen as taboo to some, it encapsulates your sacral chakra. Thus once exploring; there is no turning back.

Think about the moment that leads up to the act… the vulnerability and anxiety that feels the room becomes overwhelming with one of a few things; a sense of passion or a sense of distraction, an act to feel wanted and or to feel dominated, a field of pleasure and or pain.

**Take a moment to let that sink in **

The euphoria that then follows. You’re on that high for a moment. Until you are left emotionally vulnerable and mentally defensive. A numbing sensation takes over your perception.”

This is the part where you finally come back to reality.

Whether it’s right after, or the moment you wake up, your brain races, even if just for a few seconds about how it impacted you.

See, in this day in age where the City Girls thrive, and the Hot Girls are on the rise, we don’t like to talk about the aftermath.

And although I love how women are breaking down the barriers of horrendous double standards everywhere, I can’t help but think that we’ve gone from one extreme to the other.

We went from shaming women who choose to be free with their minds and bodies to shaming women who choose to wait for something sacred.

What’s so wrong with not wanting situationships, in hopes of having intellectually intercourse before any physical interaction?

Absolutely nothing!

I, for one, have fallen victim to the situationship disorder, and sis…..

That ish messed me UP!

Like, kudos to all you ladies that can just bounce back, but that ain’t me.

And if a lot of y’all are truly honest with yourselves, you’d acknowledge that it ain’t you either.

Oop, the feels are getting involved!

Which means y’all have to stay tuned until next week when we talk about our poor little emotions.

This is one scenario I bet we all wish we could detach ourselves from.

I’m gonna need a drink for this one.

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